What is a Net?

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GMRS call sign: WRYV681
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FRS/CB call sign: OSCAR-03
Type of radio(s): Baofeng GM-15 PRO
Baofeng UV-5R
Kenwood TS 830S

What is a Net?

Post by OSCAR-03 »

The word "net" is short for "network“. Networks can be defined as groups of equipment, individuals, and/or agencies acting together to increase efficiency and effectiveness through shared information and resources. Nets are operated during an emergency situation to capture, record, hold, and distribute information so that others may work (produce results) more effectively.

The purpose of any net is to provide a means for orderly communication within a group of stations. In a directed net, a net control station (NCS) organizes and controls all activity. Directed nets are the best format when there are a large number of member stations (1 to 45). Nets are either directed (formal) or undirected (informal or open).
Calaveras Emergency Relay System 1.jpg
Calaveras Emergency Relay System 1.jpg (132.69 KiB) Viewed 153 times
Types of Nets
A directed net is formal, has a set of rules or net directives, all communications must go through net control. It has a specified person in charge, the Net Control Station (NCS). The NCS will issue specific instructions on how he/she wants the net to run. A directed net is one in which it is necessary to obtain permission from the NCS before transmitting to other stations in the net.

Directed nets are divided into two types: Scheduled and Emergency nets. Scheduled nets have fixed times, frequencies and format. Emergencies are nearly always recognized and declared by agencies or authorities outside of the Amateur Radio Service.

There are many other kinds of nets:
ARES NETS, Amateur Radio Emergency System (ARES) nets are open to any licensed amateur radio operators.
RACES NETS, (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) nets.
CLUB NETS, Most of the time, they are run as a directed net in a relaxed atmosphere.
EMERGENCY NETS, "Emergency" may be defined as an accident or crisis where people and/or property are in distress.
SKY WARN NETS, SkyWarn nets are usually run under the ARES flag.
TACTICAL NETS, Tactical nets are used for real-time coordination of activities related to the emergency.
COMMAND NETS, Command nets are encountered in all large disasters or emergencies.

Roll Call
Practice Net
The beginning of a directed net will start with a request for any emergency traffic, then announcements and bulletins of interest. Roll call will begin after the first steps just mentioned. During roll call the Net Control Operator will go down a list of call signs one at a time announcing their geographical locations and give everyone a chance to check in. This will be the time for responding stations to announce additional items of interest such as conditions on the ground in their particular location; such as, weather, power outages, road closures and more. This is considered a training exercise so that all participants can become familiar with how a directed net works and get comfortable with their radio equipment and radio etiquette.

Participating and Practicing in a directed net is an important training tool for when the day arrives that you will need these skills. During an emergency situation a directed net will be used in this same manner as the practice net to send and receive critical information.